joi, 30 iunie 2011

Let's go on a walk on the beach

Today is such a great day and me and girl friend decided to go out for a walk on the beach. It was so hot and sunny, and he had great fun playing beach girl dress up games on her iPad, that was cool. We went to a bar and had some cool drinks, then we went home and we played bedtime games for girls

marți, 28 iunie 2011

The serving games

How many chances there are that you end up playing food games is what you will get used to playing. Not because is two many of these games, but all the other games, aren't so educational and fun like this one.
A question that i was requested to give a anwser, is: What's my favorite game?
And i respond that cooking games papa burgeria is my favorite game, and you all should try.

Cooking games for boys

Since I was a kid I was always asking myself how hard can it be to sell kebabs. And it was only a few days ago that I thought about trying it. I discovered kebab cooking games and I started to sell. At the beginning it was pretty hard, but I got used to it. I also got used to playing cooking games for boys, as I discovered that cooking it's not only for girls and it can be fun.

Justin biever Games

It's simply incredible what kind of games you can now find every day, i just got into a game so called kill justin biever , this game is for sure for the Bieber fans.
I personally don't like Justin Bieber, that is way i don't play only games in witch i have to beat up Justin, or other games like blue clue room that remainds me of Bieber in a funny kind of way.
Also as i talk about Blue Clues, let me give you this wonderful episode that i saw yestarday and i couldn't stop laughting.

luni, 27 iunie 2011


Intotdeauna mi-am dorit sa stiu gati. Cel mai mult mi-am doresc sa gatesc lasagnia. Mi-am dorit atat de mult incat am apelat la orice mijloc de a invata. Am inceput cu jocuri cooking si am ajuns la carti scrise de bucatari celebri. Acum pot sa zic cu toata modestia ca pot sa fac cea mai buna lasagnia care am mancat-o vreodata.

E timpul sa ne jucam

Copii, e vancanta! Acum e vreamea sa profitam de timp si sa ne jucam
jocuri cu excavator acestea sunt acele jocuri care te fac sa vrei sa conduci unul, si sa sapi niste gropi, pentru instalatii, si de ce nu sa escavezi dupa aur.
Buldozer Mania
Daca tot vorbim de aur, si de sapat atunci poate vrei sa incerci jocuri cu truck mania 2 aici gasesti adevarate camioane pe care sa le conduci peste drumuri cu dificultate.

vineri, 24 iunie 2011

Voi ce va mai jucati?

joc baiatul de foc si fata de apa 2 este unul dintre cele mai populare jocuri de pe internet la ora acuala. Trebuie sa recunosc ca si mie imi plac foarte mult si ca petrec destul de multa vreme jucandu-ma cu dragutele personaje. Pe langa acesta imi place foarte mult si heru zuma, un joc zuma de care sunt convins ca toti ati auzit. Voi ce altceva mai jucati?

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Cooking Chicken wings

My mother manages to cook some great chicken wings. I don't know how she knows just how to prepare them and make them so delicious. I ate a some luigi soup and man it tastes so good, i completly forgot about the chicken wings.
But not much time had passed and i went over some mother cooking games. And then i realise that yes, of course the Chicken wings are defintly my thing, and i need to get me one of this.

miercuri, 22 iunie 2011

Petrecerea timpului liber

Sa va spun sincer, imi plac calculatoarele. Imi place sa stau la calculator sa descopar lucruri noi. Asa am descoperit si aceste jocuri gratis cu bile. Imi plac foarte mult. Pot sa petrec ore intregi si nu ma satur de ele. Preferatul meu este zuma revenge. Eu cred ca este un joc extraordinar atat pentru copii cat si pentru adulti.

Mr Bean is back

Mr bean -trouble in the hair salon is the name of the new with the legend Mr. Bean which i found on and i like so much !!!

On the other hand on the same portal you can find some cutepowerpuff girls games which are also very nice and funny and brings back childhood memories ! Try it out only on, you won't regret trying !

Gold Hunt

You must know that not anything that it shines must be gold. Sometimes you get into a lot of stuff more valuable than a pot of gold. Well depending on what anyone loves more, i had got into a total drama action best game ever and i thought, yes this could be the real thing. This could be GOLD! Ok maybe i was quite dramatic in this sort of gold hunt, but searching games now a days, seems to be more or less like a gold hunt, try it yourself, search for anything there is no chances of getting what you want in sted you get more of one of this red pepper games is not what i really am looking for, but it's good.

marți, 21 iunie 2011

Dezvoltarea inteligentei

Inca de mici, copii trebuie pusi in fata unor provocari care sa ii ajute sa isi dezvolte inteligenta. Am gasit imbinarea perfecta intre joaca si munca. Copiii tai vor fi foarte fericiti incercand aceste jocuri cu semafoare 3d in care vor fi nevoiti sa invete cum sa dirijeze traficul. De asemenea, ii vor putea intalni pe eroii lor preferati din desenele animate, jucandu-se jocuri ed edd si edy curse si concurand cu acestia.

Dinozauri si fosile

Inca de mic eram fascinat de dinozuari si sunt mandru ca azi gasesc aceste jocuri cu dinozauri mi se par foarte interesante, mai cu seama modul dinozaurilor de a se hrani sau de a lupta. Pentru cei mici sunt jocuri cu dino k acestea le pot aduce zambetul pe buze. Mi se par foarte bine lucrate, iar pentru copii or sa fie si mai distractiv de jucat.