joi, 8 septembrie 2011

Escape games

I want to become a detective when I grow up, this are some doli doli escape games than can help me up to gain the skills I need in the future so to become a real detecitve. Also there are some nice girl games you may have to figure out how you have to play them first in order to win them.

miercuri, 7 septembrie 2011

Joaca online gratis

Bucurati-va de ultimele zile de vacanta jucandu-va jocuri gratis online cu prietenii. Si descoperiti cele mai noi si mai misto jocuri de pe internet. De asemenea poate esti curios sa vezi care sunt ultimele jocuri cu bile pentru copii.

marți, 6 septembrie 2011

Restaurant games are fun

There are a few ways you can have fun and a real great way is by playing restaurant games for girls which can be really helpfull sometimes. So kids whenever you think you have some free time the free cooking and baking games are here for you to try, and to help you learn a few things about food.

luni, 5 septembrie 2011

Ben 10 adventure games

Discover the ben 10 planet games and all what it comes with it. There are many adventures and things you can discover playing fun online benten games. Also If you feel like you want to try out more, than the total drama dress up games are just the ones you want to play.

joi, 1 septembrie 2011

Jocuri de minte

Sunt un fan al jocurilor de logica, a testelor IQ si bineinteles al acestor jocuri cu diferente unde trebuie sa-mi concetrez toata atentia pentru a gasi diferentele din imagini. De altfel ce ati spune de niste jocuri fotbal online noi cu echipele voastre favorite. Nu ati intra si voi in joc?

miercuri, 31 august 2011

Unde te joci jocuri de gatit?

Ati jucat vreodata jocuri cu toto? Daca da, atunci stiti despre ce vorbesc, daca nu, va sfatuiesc sa o faceti. Site-ul nostru, www.jocuri de va ofera cele mai bune jocuri de care sa va bucurati impreuna cu prietenii si familia. Va tinem mereu la curent cu tot ce e nou in materie de jocuri de gatit. Va asteptam!

Management games for kids

The management games are good, they can help your kids learn some skills, also the restaurant games for girls are the perfect way of having fun. And there are some new superb games for girls that you can play two.

Jeepuri puternice

Am gasit de curand printre aceste jocuri cu masini miniclip cateva jocuri foarte frumoase, pe care trebuie sa le impartasesc si cu voi. este vorba de acele jocuri cu masini jeed in care trebuie sa infrunti adversari pe teren accidentat, cu ajutorul masini de teren 4x4. Super distractie aceste jocuri. Ce parere ai ?

marți, 30 august 2011

Super pet games

Get ready for some cuddly cute girl games like littlest pet shop dress up games that you may want to play.Also there they are some great jeux de mario that you really want to check out. Have fun!

luni, 29 august 2011

Jocuri cu motoare

Ai auzit vreodata de aceste jocuri cu crosuri? Ei bine mie mi se par foarte tari, iar sa invat sa ma dau pe un Cross este tot ceea ce imi doresc. Dar inafara de motociclete si motoare trebuie sa va spun ca imi plac si acele jocuri cu pesti care ma ajuta sa ma relaxez. Intodeauna pestii iti ofera acea stare de relaxare.

duminică, 28 august 2011

Cooking games are fun

Many times when I had got bored I went to the pc and start playing not one but as much as the sara's cooking games that I found.
So like that, I don't have anymore things, games that I want to share with you, just a simple chocolate truffle cooking game that I know you can enjoy it.

joi, 25 august 2011

Unde ne jucam?

Voi unde va jucati? Ma refer aici la joaca din online, unde jucam jocuri online pentru copii, foarte frumoase si foarte apreciate chiar si de cei mai mari. Eu unul ma joc mereu pe, deoarece imi ofera exact ceea am nevoie pentru a ma relaxa in momentele in care sun in online. Chiar astazi de dimineata am jucat aici jocul 18wheeler3 si m-a binedispus, deoarece mnu m-am trezit prea bine dispus de dimineata.
Tu pe unde te joci in online?

miercuri, 24 august 2011

Cooking games for men

Hello guys. Here is something for you. I just discovered cooking games for boys and after playing them a little, I came to one conclusion: they are great fun and you learn a lot about cooking for them. Which I think it's useful. For these cooking games e cooking I think it's the best website where you can play them. They have a great content and it is always updated. You should try them. I promise they will be very useful in the future.

Jocuri amuzante cu masini

Parerea mea este ca cele mai amuzante jocuri pentru copii, cu masini sunt jocuri raccoon racing. Nu stiu cati ati jucat aceste jocuri, dar eu vi le recomand cu placere, deoarece mie tare mult mi-au placut.
Zilele acestea pe Blogger un amic mi-a recomandat jocuri split second, pe care inca nu le-am incercat, dar de care zice el ca sunt extrem de frumoase. Le-ati jucat? Ce parere aveti? Se merita?

vineri, 19 august 2011

Great cooking games

Hello. I just discovered china cooking games and I thought I should share this with you. I like these games a lot as they are very entertaining, but most of all because I learn a lot of things about chinese food. I like learning new recipes and I think they are great. I also like playing choco cooking games as chocolate is my favorite sweet.

miercuri, 17 august 2011

Games that girls love to play

I know that any of you have different taste when it comes to food, music, and of course games, some of you may like nicki minaj dress up games for girls and other few of you may want to check out barbie ready set check up games which may be the greatest games you love.

marți, 16 august 2011

Apple pie games

I have always wondered how can you use apple juice in cooking. So I decided to look for some recipes that use that ingredient. After a little search on google, I've discovered apple pie making games. I started to play them and I learned some great recipes that I later applied in my kitchen. I enjoy playing these cooking games not only for the recipes, but also for the fun and entertainment they provide.

Examenul auto

Examaneul pentru permisul de conducere difera de la o tara la alta, de la examenul din sala la cel practic. Cteva din jocuri licence school, ofera posibilitatea imitarii unui astfel de examen care se dovedeste a fi o povara pentru cei care, zic eu , nu s-au pregatit suficient. Mai nou chiar si pe Twitter gasesti anunturi ale scolilor de soferi care vor sa instruiasca viitori conducatori auto, dar pentru voi care inca mai aveti cativa ani pana sa aveti posibilitatea sa faceti scoala de soferi, va recomand cat mai multe jocuri cumasini, care te vor ajuta pe viitor sa intelegi mai bine mecanizmul de conducere si regulile circulatiei pe drumurile publice.

Ce jocuri joaca copii

Sti ca-mi plac jocurile, iar timpul pe care il petrec la calculator nu este un timp pierdut, la fel ca si atunci cand ma joc jocuri armata mea care dupa parerea mea sunt mult mai bune deacat jocuri strategie cetati care sunt intradevar asemanatoare dar au o diferenta pe care o poti sezica daca le jucati.

joi, 11 august 2011

Men cooking games

Girls are really crazy, they will try to do anything a boy can do, she will try to prove that even if she is a girl, she can make anything a boy can do. Well girls, stand still, cause Men two can do what girls do and is cooking games for men which are the games for us, and the place where we will learn cooking even better than a girl. So girls, if you want to keep up with us, and don't loose your job in the kitchen, you better learn some new recipes two, maggi baking games I think it will help you a little bit. Good Luck!
There is no need to surf on other sites, in search for a better way to confrunt us, don't even think about going on MSN and asking for help from I don't know moms, or you can do, is your choise, but you really have to train well if you want to get somewhere.

miercuri, 10 august 2011

Games Doll dress up

We boys are kind of different of the Girls, even from when we were kids, and even now when i look at the children i see how the differences come out, it's simple, boys loves to play with cars, and girls love to play girls games 2011 this pretty little girls love to play kissing games, cooing games and most of all the dress up games. I didn't quite knew how can they play such games, way do they love playing them, is it because they imagine themself dressing up. But I had stop thinking of this problem, i don't really know and care why girls love noddy dress up games is just like that. Remember that you should not ever be to hard on yourself with little things like this.

marți, 9 august 2011

Jocuri simple

Care sunt cele mai simple jocuri online?
Intrebarea este una simla, dar rspunsul ei este unul destul de dificil de dat, deoarece sunt extrem de multe jocuri online care par a fi jocuri simple si usor de jucat. Din toate aceste jocuri, cred eu ca acele jocuri pentru copii de 3 ani fete sunt in topul preferintelor, in ceea ce prveste simplitatea lor. Din jocurile pentru copii de 3 ani, eu am ales jocuri de pus cercei ca fiind cele mai simple jocuri online. Tu ce parere ai?

I had to try those cooking games

I just started to play those cooking gamews that everybody is talking about. I had to try them and see if they are as good as they say they are. So, I found one restaurant game and I started to play. It didn't take me much to realize that it is absolutely amazing. I completely became addicted to it and I can't believe I haven't played them earlier. They are so much fun and entertaining and most of all, you can learn a lot of things from them.

Jocuri pentru copiii de toate varstele

Avem jocuri de diferite categorii, dar si aceste categorii sunt impartite in subcategorii, stiti bine ca un joc pentru un copil de 3 ani nu poate fi la fel de distractiv pentru un copil de 7 ani ce sa mai zic de cei mai mari de 14 ani, dar sunt cateva jocuri pe care le poate juca oricine, acuma depinde si de nivelul de intelegere, cred ca aceste jocuri cu plante carnivore ar fi jocurile potrivite oricarui copil.
Daca nu esti neaparat un iubitor al plantelor poate ai vrea sa incerci cateva jocuri cu bombe care sunt la fel de distractive si interesante atat pentru mine cat si pentru ceilalti copii.

luni, 8 august 2011

Ce jucati cand va plictisiti?

Cand ma plictisesc imi place sa ma joc jocuri be gatit. Asta pentru ca sunt foarte amuzante si relaxante si in acelasi timp inveti cum sa gatesti, deci foarte educative. Preferatele mele sunt jocuri cu cake mania 9. Sunt foarte interactive si ma relaxeaza foarte tare. Voi ce jucati cand va plictisiti?

sâmbătă, 6 august 2011

Cooking game

I know you love to play, and when i say play, of course i mean that you should play the flash games. I think that the flash games are one of the best things that adobe could invent these days, and the cooking and baking games are the greatest games that people could make using adobe flash.
Most of all i love this games cause it's simpe to play, it loads fast, and if you choose to download them, you can get cooking games for girls download instand onn your pc. Do you think it could get better than these.

miercuri, 3 august 2011

Jocuri cu masini si Power Puff

Inca nu s-au realizat jocuri in care fetitele Power Puff sa conduca masini, dar am gasit eu o serie de jocuri hot wheels cu masini, foarte frumoase, si care merita sa fie jucate de totii copiii, deoarece sunt foarte frumos realizate. Pentru fanii fetitelor Power Puff, am descoperit un nou joc online foarte interesant. Aceste jocuri girl power sunt numai bune de jucatdecatre fete cat si de catre baietii, deoarece actunea este prezenta in joc.
Tu cunosti jocuri cu Power Puff si masini?

Cooking games are amazing

I first discovered cooking games at www.e cooking But as I searched the internet more and more, I found out that there are more websites that offer you a variety of cooking games. My favorite one is as it is very user friendly and it offers you a large variety of cooking games to choose from. It is also updated frequently. My favorite games that I found there were sara cooking games online. They are a lot of fun and very entertaining and interactive. Great games for kids also, as they are educative.

The first day

Hello, this is the girls first day games contest. We love competition and games, that's why we started this post.

How about you playing girs games on ? It's pretty cool !

marți, 2 august 2011

Girl dress up games

Sometimes i like to play beach dress up games i love this kind of games I can really practice my fashion skills. I like to practice, to dress up models, get them to try different colourfull clothes and accessories make them look more beautiful.
Kids i tell you the best place to look for new games, is not google, but a fun online website like that has more than just simple dress up games, has all kind of games from kissing games to skateboard games or even shooter games. Try it right now and discover all the fun that waits for you out there.

luni, 1 august 2011

Sugestii legate de jocuri

Zilele trecute am dat peste murloc 3 si am fost fascinat de acest joc. Am devenit dependent de el si parca nu ma mai pot opri din jucat. In foarte scurt timp a devenit jocul meu preferat si modalitatea preferata de petrecere a timpului liber. Incearca-l si tu si iti promit ca nu vei regreta.

Daca iti plac jocurile cu ferme, la fel cum sunt cele de pe facebook, tocmai am dat peste ferma frenzy 3. Este la fel de bun si vi-l recomand din tot sufletul.

duminică, 31 iulie 2011

Ben 10 Jocuri

Esti fan cartoon network, iti place jocurile de aventura si cele cu extraterestrii?
Atunci cu siguranta iti va placea si jocuri cu ben ten care cuprind exact ceea ce este mai sus, o combinatie cu super eroi din desenele voastre preferate de pe cartoon network si o aventura, extraterestrii si alte lucruri SF de care sa te ocupi.
Daca nu esti un mare fan al acestor jocuri combinate, poate o sa-ti faca placere sa joci hobo 4 acesta este un joc nemaipomenit, distractiv si usor de jucat.
Incearca-le pe toate, distractie placuta!

vineri, 29 iulie 2011

Jocuri razboi

Mie imi plac foarte mult aceste jocuri razboi, dar nu am gasit nici unul care sa ma impresioneze atat de mult incat sa il joc pana sa il termin. Totusi unul din jocurile de razboi, mi-a atras atentia si am sa incerc sa il termin, asta daca nu imi spuneti voi unul tare, care sa merite jucat cap-coada. Acest jocuri evo craft este jocul la care m-am oprit pentru a il juca, si sper sa merite sa fie jucat.
Voi l-ati jucat? Merita?

Jocuri pentru fete Doli Doli

Doli Doli este unul din site-urile cu cele mai frumoase jocuri pentru fete, avand pe simpaticele fete Mina si Lisa personaje principale, alaturi de care poti petrece timpul liber si cu care te vei distra foarte tare. In jocuri games doli doli fetele au doua animale de companie dragute, pe cateul Toto si pisicuta Sisi, care mereu vor fi in preajma fetelor si a ta.
Daca vrei sa descoperi cat mai multe secrete din viata lui Mina, Lisa, Toto sau Sisi atunci joaca jocurile Doli Doli.

joi, 28 iulie 2011

New ways of entertaining

Me, you, your friends, my friends, everybody is looking for new ways of having fun, and sometimes we find, but other times, we spend a lot of time thinking of what to do in order to have some fun, and that is when it comes to new games for girls 2011 witch are a good way to spend free time.
Things seems to work at home, just now was the postman to give me one big prise that i had win back when i participate at a great contest and gues what it was, yes it was sara's cooking contest in which i had made the best cake in the contest.
Things like this really work, and i got to add, that when i first saw the game link on LinkedIn i wasn't so into it, but now. I believe that this is a fun game.

Skating with barbie

I would like to skate with Barbie at least once in this life. She's my Idol, did you know that she's actually a real person and her name is Barbara. I have actually find some new barbie skating games for girls which i enjoyed playing on the web.

I have also stumbled upon barbies games 2011 yesterday they are cool but not like ice skating with Barbie!

Cele mai bune jocuri de gatit

Tocmai am descoperit cele mai bune jocuri de gatit cooking show noi. Mi-au placut atat de mult incat trebuia sa va spun si voua despre ele. Sunt de departe cele mai bune joculete online pe care le-am jucat in ultima vreme. Cel mai mult mi-au placut jocuri de gatit cartofi prajiti. Cred ca e din cauza ca e mancarea mea preferata, dar cine stie...

marți, 26 iulie 2011

Vis din copilarie

De cand eram mic, mi-am dorit sa conduc un autobus. Insa in timp prioritatile s-au schimbat, asa ca inca nu am ajuns sa imi implinesc acest vis. In schimb, mi-am luat licenta in jocuri cu school bus license si acum pot conduce un autobus din sufrageria proprie. Imi place ca sunt foarte realiste. La fel de realiste sunt si jocuri cu semafoare noi si de aceea imi plac foarte mult. Le joc in fiecare zi si inca nu m-am saturat.

Celebrity Dress Up games

Girls, there are a few kissing games, cooking games and of course dressup games that you love to play every time you get some free time, one fun game is no other than dress up celebrities penelope cruz where you can practice your stylist skills on a beautiful celebritie. There is more from that came from, i think it will be nice of you if you would try one classic game like the shellshock live in witch you can discover a fun story.
So don't stand there doing nothing, or searching without getting any good result. Try out these games.

vineri, 22 iulie 2011

Jocuri Ben 10

Pentru toti fanii de pe cartoon network, aici aveti un nou joc care combina unul din personajele voastre preferate din desene animate cu un sport extrem, si anume jocuri cu ben 10 pe bicicleta aici este locul in care Ben 10 este supus unui test la care va avea nevoie de putin ajutor in din partea ta pentru a trece de el. Am ceva si pentru ceilalti fain ale desenelor animate de pe cartoon, cu siguranta o sa va placa si jocuri cu rex generatorul un alt super erou de pe cartoon care are nevoie de putin ajutor din partea ta pentru a trece de obstacole.

Jocuri clopotel

De ceva vreme nu mai ma joc jocuri clopotel deoarece tare greu se incarca acolo jocurile, si prea multi copii laudarosi lasa comentarii descurajatoare la unele jocuri care pentru mine sunt foarte frumoase. Un bun exemplu ar fi jocuri cu warp attack, la care am gasit o gramada de comentari rautacioase, iar dupa mine jocul este unul dintre cele mai reusite jocuri de iarna, deoarece imi aminteste de frumoasele Sarbatori de Craciun, cand pot sa stau sa ma joc jocuri online, si sa pap prajituri facute de mama, si in acelasi timp sa mai admir si bradul de Craciun. Dar voi, restul, ce parere aveti de jocurile clopotel ?

miercuri, 20 iulie 2011

Cooking games

What do you think about these great cooking games? Once you had tried one of this game, you just can let them, it is a lot of fun playing one or more of cooking games smiley cooking you just can't let them.
So kids, feel free to try all the most funny cooking games' that there is available for you any day of the week any week of the month, online for free. You just have to find them.

Amazing food

Few days ago I wanted to cook for my family. So I checked the chole recipe on the internet and I'm glad I did that. It turned out to be great and the best food I've ever cooked. Everybody was so impressed and they really enjoyed the taste. Now I'm learning how to cook a great pizza. And I'm doing this with the help of cooing games for pizza italia, as a friend suggest it. I hope it will turn out to be half as tasty as the chole. Wish me luck!

miercuri, 13 iulie 2011

Animals games

I just discovered that I like animals cooking games. I had no idea until recently, when I found .e cooking games, a great cooking games website. Since then, there's no day that passes by without me playing for a few hours. They relax me so much and they are very fun.

marți, 12 iulie 2011

Sweet games

Enjoy your free time playing on of the most sweetest games i ever seen, but first i want to show you gamesben10ultimatealien witch are the right games you could play online. And now to come back to the sweet part, games2girls is the right place to look for sugar and other sweets. Ok kids, so if you want candy try one of the girl games.

luni, 11 iulie 2011

Mac and relaxation

Hey guys. Check out this new cooking game 2011. I'm having so much fun, so I had to tell you about it. It's great fun and very educative. My favorite games are still cooking games mac. I don't know why, but they make me feel very relaxed and completely forget about everything. What is the game that relaxes you the most?

vineri, 8 iulie 2011

Omg they are kissing

Hehe, you freaked out ? I was talking about playing those celebrity kissing games and make fun of them while they kiss. Pretty fun, eh ? So what do you think about those games ?

I am also a fan of girlgamesplaza cooking games , they are very cool to play when you're bored.

joi, 7 iulie 2011

Ben 10 and lady gaga

Do you like celebrity girl games ? I found games where you have to dress up Lady GAGA or Robert Pattinson, they are so cool that i'm already happy to find those games!

I have also found new ben 10 online games which i played like a madman for 3 hours. I had lots of fun on

Jocuri gratuite

Nu este nimic mai distractiv decat sa joci jocuri online gratis, toata ziua, imi place sa-mi pierd timpul pe calculator, ma ajuta sa-mi maresc imaginatea, si chiar visez ca si eu intr-o zi sa pot realiza un joc flash, nu trebuie sa fie de mare anvergura, poate vi si ceva mai simplu ca si jocori vodoo charms online gratis acestea desi sunt simple sunt la fel de amuzante.
Stiti ce joc ar fii inca la fel de amuzant, si cu siguranta ai m-ai auzit de el, este mario-16 un joc deja clasic.

miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

Amintiri din copilarie

Cand eram mic, de fiecare data cand bunica facea compot de fructe stateam langa ea. Probabil pentru ca primeam fructe de fiecare data. Zilele trecute nu m-am putut abtine si mi-am cumparat un compot. Mi-am amintit de copilarie si de zilele lipside de griji. A fost o zi minunata pentru mine. Miam facut pana si timp sa ma joc putine jocuri girlgamesplaza.

marți, 5 iulie 2011

Legendary Games

I love to watch TV-shows while eating snacks, or drinking soda, but spending time at the computer there is nothing like watching TV, there is nothing like the girl cooking games 2011 you can find a few surprises that you can even imagine you could find in games like this.
When i take breaks at my job, i work on a small desk, and i have accest to the internet so it's quite easy to spend my free time playing best cooking games for girls in the world. And there are a lot of them, you just have to look at the right place.

vineri, 1 iulie 2011

Baby games

Babies are very gorgeos, I know i like babies, there is time when i really want to spend time with little kids, i sometimes even baby sit my neighboors kids, it's a lot of fun, is just like a game to me,and what a game a baby bathing time to sleep games these are quite a like the reallity when it comes to baby care. Also there are this baby kindergarten games for girls witch are quite the same, but more funny cause you can play with kids at kindergarden.

joi, 30 iunie 2011

Let's go on a walk on the beach

Today is such a great day and me and girl friend decided to go out for a walk on the beach. It was so hot and sunny, and he had great fun playing beach girl dress up games on her iPad, that was cool. We went to a bar and had some cool drinks, then we went home and we played bedtime games for girls

marți, 28 iunie 2011

The serving games

How many chances there are that you end up playing food games is what you will get used to playing. Not because is two many of these games, but all the other games, aren't so educational and fun like this one.
A question that i was requested to give a anwser, is: What's my favorite game?
And i respond that cooking games papa burgeria is my favorite game, and you all should try.

Cooking games for boys

Since I was a kid I was always asking myself how hard can it be to sell kebabs. And it was only a few days ago that I thought about trying it. I discovered kebab cooking games and I started to sell. At the beginning it was pretty hard, but I got used to it. I also got used to playing cooking games for boys, as I discovered that cooking it's not only for girls and it can be fun.

Justin biever Games

It's simply incredible what kind of games you can now find every day, i just got into a game so called kill justin biever , this game is for sure for the Bieber fans.
I personally don't like Justin Bieber, that is way i don't play only games in witch i have to beat up Justin, or other games like blue clue room that remainds me of Bieber in a funny kind of way.
Also as i talk about Blue Clues, let me give you this wonderful episode that i saw yestarday and i couldn't stop laughting.

luni, 27 iunie 2011


Intotdeauna mi-am dorit sa stiu gati. Cel mai mult mi-am doresc sa gatesc lasagnia. Mi-am dorit atat de mult incat am apelat la orice mijloc de a invata. Am inceput cu jocuri cooking si am ajuns la carti scrise de bucatari celebri. Acum pot sa zic cu toata modestia ca pot sa fac cea mai buna lasagnia care am mancat-o vreodata.

E timpul sa ne jucam

Copii, e vancanta! Acum e vreamea sa profitam de timp si sa ne jucam
jocuri cu excavator acestea sunt acele jocuri care te fac sa vrei sa conduci unul, si sa sapi niste gropi, pentru instalatii, si de ce nu sa escavezi dupa aur.
Buldozer Mania
Daca tot vorbim de aur, si de sapat atunci poate vrei sa incerci jocuri cu truck mania 2 aici gasesti adevarate camioane pe care sa le conduci peste drumuri cu dificultate.

vineri, 24 iunie 2011

Voi ce va mai jucati?

joc baiatul de foc si fata de apa 2 este unul dintre cele mai populare jocuri de pe internet la ora acuala. Trebuie sa recunosc ca si mie imi plac foarte mult si ca petrec destul de multa vreme jucandu-ma cu dragutele personaje. Pe langa acesta imi place foarte mult si heru zuma, un joc zuma de care sunt convins ca toti ati auzit. Voi ce altceva mai jucati?

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Cooking Chicken wings

My mother manages to cook some great chicken wings. I don't know how she knows just how to prepare them and make them so delicious. I ate a some luigi soup and man it tastes so good, i completly forgot about the chicken wings.
But not much time had passed and i went over some mother cooking games. And then i realise that yes, of course the Chicken wings are defintly my thing, and i need to get me one of this.

miercuri, 22 iunie 2011

Petrecerea timpului liber

Sa va spun sincer, imi plac calculatoarele. Imi place sa stau la calculator sa descopar lucruri noi. Asa am descoperit si aceste jocuri gratis cu bile. Imi plac foarte mult. Pot sa petrec ore intregi si nu ma satur de ele. Preferatul meu este zuma revenge. Eu cred ca este un joc extraordinar atat pentru copii cat si pentru adulti.

Mr Bean is back

Mr bean -trouble in the hair salon is the name of the new with the legend Mr. Bean which i found on and i like so much !!!

On the other hand on the same portal you can find some cutepowerpuff girls games which are also very nice and funny and brings back childhood memories ! Try it out only on, you won't regret trying !

Gold Hunt

You must know that not anything that it shines must be gold. Sometimes you get into a lot of stuff more valuable than a pot of gold. Well depending on what anyone loves more, i had got into a total drama action best game ever and i thought, yes this could be the real thing. This could be GOLD! Ok maybe i was quite dramatic in this sort of gold hunt, but searching games now a days, seems to be more or less like a gold hunt, try it yourself, search for anything there is no chances of getting what you want in sted you get more of one of this red pepper games is not what i really am looking for, but it's good.

marți, 21 iunie 2011

Dezvoltarea inteligentei

Inca de mici, copii trebuie pusi in fata unor provocari care sa ii ajute sa isi dezvolte inteligenta. Am gasit imbinarea perfecta intre joaca si munca. Copiii tai vor fi foarte fericiti incercand aceste jocuri cu semafoare 3d in care vor fi nevoiti sa invete cum sa dirijeze traficul. De asemenea, ii vor putea intalni pe eroii lor preferati din desenele animate, jucandu-se jocuri ed edd si edy curse si concurand cu acestia.

Dinozauri si fosile

Inca de mic eram fascinat de dinozuari si sunt mandru ca azi gasesc aceste jocuri cu dinozauri mi se par foarte interesante, mai cu seama modul dinozaurilor de a se hrani sau de a lupta. Pentru cei mici sunt jocuri cu dino k acestea le pot aduce zambetul pe buze. Mi se par foarte bine lucrate, iar pentru copii or sa fie si mai distractiv de jucat.